Tehillah Worship is a Canadian music collective based out of First Assembly Church in Calgary, Alberta. We aspire to equip and encourage the Canadian church to move God’s heart with new songs and music. We believe the beauty and light of Jesus can change a nation and that music and the arts are a massive medium that God will use to spark renewal and revitalization in our land. Our third album “Family Dinner” was released in October of 2021.

Our Latest Live Album


Our Music. Our Sound.

We hear songs that are so radiantly beautiful that they turn entire cities to Jesus. We hear melodies that burrow their way into the hardest of hearts. We hear a sound coming from the local church that will shake nations.


Worship with us live.

Contact us.

Tehillah Worship Coordinator

(403) 253-7136

6031 Elbow Dr SW
Calgary AB T2V 1J4